DOnor Recipients & Intended Parents

For those partnering with a gamete or embryo donor, or gestational carrier, I provide the psycho-educational consultations required by agencies and clinics.

This is an interactive session where we will discuss many different areas of life and that will help you successfully navigate treatment and parenting in these unique arrangements. You can ask any questions you have while learning about:

  • Emotional readiness in proceeding forward with alternative family building

  • Grieving the loss of genetics or pregnancy, and the fantasy of the biological child experience

  • The current research on the topic of "disclosure" - whether to, when & how to tell your child their full story

  • Picking the right donor or carrier to partner with, according to your needs & values

  • Appropriate expectations, boundaries and healthy communication with open/known donors and carriers

  • How to increase your support system

  • At-home exercises to reduce depression, anxiety & stress

Donors & Gestational Carriers

Providing the mandatory psychological evaluation for gamete donors and gestational carriers, which includes an in-depth clinical interview and objective personality testing. Also, provides gestational carrier home studies when requested. 

For embryo donors, I provide the an in-depth psycho-educational consultation similar to what intended parents receive. It is usually not required by the clinic or agency for embryo donors to have psychological testing.